ADGF Scholarship
The Alpha Delta Gamma Foundation has provided scholarships for active members thanks to generous donations by our alumni. Typically, two scholarships are awarded each year at the national convention: one from general alumni donations and another from donations of previous scholarship winners.
- All awards have the same application and guidelines. If you are an active, please take the time to print off the application and fulfill the requirements. It won’t cost anything to apply! The deadline for the scholarship applications is June 15th of every year.
ADGF Scholarship Application Guidelines
1. The following information must be submitted with this application:
a. A statement of need from the financial office of your college or university.
b. One letter of recommendation from your chapter moderator. (This may be in the form of an email to the address below and must be marked “Scholarship Application for _________”).
c. One letter of recommendation from one of your current instructors. (This may be in the form of an email to the address below and must be marked “Scholarship Application for __________”).
d. One self photograph, no larger than 5 x7
e. A letter from the ADG National Treasurer which states you are a member of Alpha Delta Gamma National Fraternity, fully paid and in good standing.
f. A brief biographical sketch, no longer than one page. This sketch should contain personal information which will be used for Alphadelity and a narrative of current activities. The Current activities portion should be tied to the five S’s of the Fraternity: Service, Scholastic, Spiritual, Social, and School Spirit. You may use any form, including an outline form, but your submission must not be longer than one page.
g. One copy of your transcript, through and including the most recent grading period. If your school will not give transcripts directly to it’s students, the transcripts should be sent tot he address indicated below.
2. If you have indicated another source of funds for your current education, submit a detailed explanation of the source of such funds.
3. Your year in school is your class position as of the completion of the current Spring period. For example, if you have finished 3 years of full time school, you are most likely considered a Senior. This is an Undergraduate Scholarship. If you have graduated with your undergraduate degree, you are not eligible for this scholarship.
4. The scholarship will be made payable to your present school, to be used for tuition, books, or housing, unless otherwise noted in this application.
5. Applications and transcripts and all accompaniments must be postmarked no later than June 15th in order to be eligible for consideration.
6. All applications must be typed or word processed, printed in black ink and all information must be legible. It is in your best interests to make sure applications are submitted “IN FULL”, as the scholarship is judged on point valuations and a missing part of the application, could cost you points and thereby the scholarship.
7. All applications & Recommendation letters may be submitted as the Educational Foundation per their instructional page.
a. A statement of need from the financial office of your college or university.
b. One letter of recommendation from your chapter moderator. (This may be in the form of an email to the address below and must be marked “Scholarship Application for _________”).
c. One letter of recommendation from one of your current instructors. (This may be in the form of an email to the address below and must be marked “Scholarship Application for __________”).
d. One self photograph, no larger than 5 x7
e. A letter from the ADG National Treasurer which states you are a member of Alpha Delta Gamma National Fraternity, fully paid and in good standing.
f. A brief biographical sketch, no longer than one page. This sketch should contain personal information which will be used for Alphadelity and a narrative of current activities. The Current activities portion should be tied to the five S’s of the Fraternity: Service, Scholastic, Spiritual, Social, and School Spirit. You may use any form, including an outline form, but your submission must not be longer than one page.
g. One copy of your transcript, through and including the most recent grading period. If your school will not give transcripts directly to it’s students, the transcripts should be sent tot he address indicated below.
2. If you have indicated another source of funds for your current education, submit a detailed explanation of the source of such funds.
3. Your year in school is your class position as of the completion of the current Spring period. For example, if you have finished 3 years of full time school, you are most likely considered a Senior. This is an Undergraduate Scholarship. If you have graduated with your undergraduate degree, you are not eligible for this scholarship.
4. The scholarship will be made payable to your present school, to be used for tuition, books, or housing, unless otherwise noted in this application.
5. Applications and transcripts and all accompaniments must be postmarked no later than June 15th in order to be eligible for consideration.
6. All applications must be typed or word processed, printed in black ink and all information must be legible. It is in your best interests to make sure applications are submitted “IN FULL”, as the scholarship is judged on point valuations and a missing part of the application, could cost you points and thereby the scholarship.
7. All applications & Recommendation letters may be submitted as the Educational Foundation per their instructional page.