Responsibilities of an Alpha Delta Gamma Man
Code of Responsibilities For Every College Fraternity Member
Responsibility to Fellow ManAlpha Delta Gamma believes in the common brotherhood of mankind. As a part of Alpha Delta Gamma, Brothers must be responsible to their fellow man. Such responsibility means neither that we should interfere in the lives of others nor that we must be accountable for others. Rather, it means that we should be available to help others and responsive to the needs of others. We do not seek only to do great things for our fellow man, for often it is the small act of brotherhood which serves him best. We do not require acknowledgement for our aid to others, for our reward is in doing for others, not in receiving praise for our deeds. By striving to be of service to our fellow man and our Brothers, we will better mankind.
Responsibility to FraternityWe enjoy the rights and privileges of Alpha Delta Gamma. We now have responsibility, in turn, to give to the Fraternity. For more than being a part of Alpha Delta Gamma, we are, in fact, Alpha Delta Gamma itself. Within the Fraternity itself, there are three levels of responsibility. We are responsible for full participation in the activities of our Chapter. In addition to taking part and enjoying the various events sponsored by the Chapter, there are certain things, such as attending Chapter meetings, prompt payment of dues, serving on committees, and accepting appointed offices or running for elected offices to help administer the Chapter, which should be automatic to you.
Responsibility to the National Chapter
As an active or an Alumnus, there is a second level of responsibility within the Fraternity. Although we belong to a single Chapter, we are also seeking brotherhood in the total fraternity - Alpha Delta Gamma National Fraternity. Our responsibility to the National Chapter is not merely learning about the national organization and history. Rather we must all take a pro-active role by participating in national activities - attend Convention or seminars, serve on National committees, or support the Educational Foundation. By doing this, we will be able to strengthen the Fraternity and derive full advantage of being a member of a national Fraternity.
Responsibility to SocietyThe Alpha Delta Gamma man's responsibility is constant. Alpha Delta Gamma does not exist in a vacuum, isolated from the needs of the world. To the contrary, we are devoted to "the world of men around us." The end of all responsibility is, of course, that end for which the Fraternity labors - Ad Dei Gloriam. The Fraternity is a Christian organization dedicated to serving God by serving man. The Alpha Delta Gamma man, then, must unite the Fraternity in this purpose and serve man so that the Fraternity, through its members, will indeed work for the glory of God.
We must also maintain a reasonable balance of responsibility so that one area is not stressed at the expense of another. To aid in our development, the Fraternity encourages us to adopt what we refer to as the "sacrament of the moment." This means simply doing the proper thing at the proper time - whether it be studying, playing or praying. By adhering to what we are supposed to be doing at all times, we will truly become the responsible man our Fraternity expects of us. |