National ConventionEach year, toward the end of summer, the Brothers of Alpha Delta Gamma meet at the annual National Convention of the National Chapter or National Assembly. Unlike many fraternities which invite only delegates to attend, Alpha Delta Gamma’s national meetings are open to each and every Brother.
The purpose of the National Convention is to legislate the affairs of the Fraternity. The Fraternity also places a great emphasis upon the social nature of the National Convention. The greatest reason for having an annual meeting is to meet our Brothers from other Chapters across the country. Some friendships formed at Conventions last a lifetime. Active Chapters serve as hosts for the National Conventions. Convention 2022
Spring Leadership ConferenceEvery spring academic semester, between February 1st and May 1st, Alpha Delta Gamma holds its Annual Spring Conference which focuses specifically on the active members. During this weekend-long event, Alpha Delta Gamma puts on exciting programs to help remind our chapters that they have every tool available to them and can walk away from the Conference with a better understanding of the Fraternity and of our True Brotherhood. Aside from having no delegate fee assessed for the weekend, the Spring Conference is considered as a smaller version of the Annual National Convention offering guest speakers, small group discussions and other programming conducive to improving Chapter programming and protocol and even self-improvement (including alcohol awareness, resume writing and financial investing). For More Information on Our Programming, Please Contact our Immediate Past National President at [email protected].
2022 Spring Conference Details